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Εγγεγραμμένα Μέλη

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Τυχαία Εικόνα

Μάγκο Ecuador
Σχόλια: 0


My collection contains 71166 stickers (thereof 65889 without and 5277 with duplicates) from 116 different countries.
Available for trade are 5277 different duplicates with a total of 20201 copies.

Please notice the meaning of the different colors of the sticker numbers when trading with me!

Collection (71166)
My Fruitstickers

Φρούτα, Λαχανικά, άγνωστος
Donations ... (348)
Sticker donations

from Germany..., from USA ...
Circumstancials (214)

Vacation, Collector meetings, Media

Συνολικά βρέθηκαν 71166 εικόνες σε 99 κατηγορίες.

Εικόνες ανά Σελίδα: 
 Νέες Εικόνες Last update: 11.12.2016
Πεπόνι United States
Σχόλια: 0
Πεπόνι Unknown
Σχόλια: 0
Πεπόνι Unknown
Σχόλια: 0
Πεπόνι Spain
Σχόλια: 0
Πεπόνι Unknown
Σχόλια: 0

 Χρήστες On-Line: 62 Users/guests total: 215005
Αυτή την στιγμή Εγγεγραμμένα Μέλη: 0 (αόρατοι: 0) και Επισκέπτες: 62.

Sweden 1 , China 5 , Belgium 19 , United States 37
Most users ever online simultanously was:
Registered users:
807 on 22.05.2024, 05:56
4 on 28.11.2011, 19:36
807 on 22.05.2024, 05:56

 News  Archive
Temporary stop of trading:
-> Posted by Nick on 09.01.2017 06:34
Because of personal reasons I can't accept any trade requests until further notice !
To all trade partners, fellow collectors and visitors of this website:
-> Posted by Angelo on 23.12.2016 17:42
Καλὰ Χριστούγεννα καὶ καλὴ χρονιά!
Melons are the 1st kind of fruit ...
-> Posted by Nick on 11.12.2016 09:17
... to reach the 10.000 sticker frontier thanks to the generous support of Joan. Thanks a lot, Joan !!!
More than 10.000 melon stickers ...
-> Posted by Angelo on 10.12.2016 21:27
... in my collection
Crossing the 71.000 sticker boundary ...
-> Posted by Angelo on 10.12.2016 21:24
... by adding 1249 new stickers to the database
10th anniversary of !!!/font>
-> Posted by Angelo on 17.09.2016 20:53
10 years ago, at 2006/09/18, this website went online with 2234 stickers. A lot has happened since then. A big ‘Thank you very much’ to all my trade partners and of course everybody else, who has contributed in any way to the success of this website.
Crossing the 69.000 sticker boundary ...
-> Posted by Nick on 25.05.2016 19:24
... by adding 1763 new stickers to the database
Happy Easter ...
-> Posted by Angelo on 26.03.2016 08:23
... to all visitors of this site!
End of temporary stop of trading:
-> Posted by Angelo on 16.01.2016 20:00
As of today, I am ready again to accept trade requests !
Crossing the 67.000 sticker boundary ...
-> Posted by Nick on 16.01.2016 19:57
... by adding 707 new stickers to the database
The oldest melon label in my collection ...
-> Posted by Angelo on 16.01.2016 19:52
... is the COES label. It originates from the late 1950s or the early 1960s and it came from Nico Verschuren from Holland. Thank you very much, Nico !!!
Crossing the 66.000 sticker boundary ...
-> Posted by Nick on 17.09.2015 20:44
... by adding 680 new stickers to the database
Due to maintaince work ...
-> Posted by Nick on 18.07.2015 09:51
... by my Web-host provider this website may be unavailable on 31. July 2015 between 01:00 and 07:00 a.m. (CEST). Please keep me informed about any odd behaviour of my website afterwards.
A special trade offer: ...
-> Posted by Angelo on 03.07.2015 17:06
... I'm looking for an old MEL-O-RIPE banana label. I can offer the rare blue and gold Galapagos turtle banana label.


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