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Grapefruit China
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More than 8000 melon stickers ...
-> Posted by Nick on 29.06.2014 09:58

... in my collection

More than 1000 kiwi stickers ...
-> Posted by Nick on 29.06.2014 09:53

... in my collection

Crossing the 59.000 sticker boundary ...
-> Posted by Nick on 29.06.2014 09:50

... by adding 545 new stickers to the database

Ukrainian language support installed
-> Posted by Nick on 15.06.2014 15:06

Ukrainian language support installed on fruitsticker.de

More than 2000 pear stickers ...
-> Posted by Nick on 03.05.2014 09:41

... in my collection

More than 8000 apple stickers ...
-> Posted by Nick on 02.05.2014 20:07

... in my collection

Crossing the 58.000 sticker boundary ...
-> Posted by Nick on 02.05.2014 20:05

... by adding 1634 new stickers to the database

At the FAQ page ...
-> Posted by Nick on 17.03.2014 15:42

... you will find two new advices regarding search terms containing an apostrophe (') or German special characters (ن,ِ,ü,ؤ,ض,ـ,ك).

Recently I was lucky ...
-> Posted by Nick on 16.03.2014 13:10

... to inherit a set of very nice labels from the 1960's, 70's and 80's. The set consists mainly of melon labels from France, Spain and Italy, which I will release at my site time after time. All currently available labels may be displayed by clicking this link.

The email addresses of my trade partners...
-> Posted by Nick on 14.03.2014 19:07

... will be displayed from now on only to registered users who are currently logged on at my website. The reason for this change is to prevent the unsolicited usage of these email addresses as recipients of Spam mail.
You'll have to register yourself at my website in order to receive a user id with password. Alternatively you may email me directly and ask for a user id with password.

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