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Crossing the 56.000 sticker boundary ...
-> Posted by Nick on 17.01.2014 23:25

... by adding 680 new stickers to the database

New category 'Donations' ...
-> Posted by Angelo on 29.12.2013 12:15

... presenting major sticker donations

New gender specific icons ...
-> Posted by Angelo on 29.12.2013 12:09

... for female and male trade partners without a personal picture at the trade partner page

Crossing the 55.000 sticker boundary ...
-> Posted by Angelo on 15.11.2013 09:16

... by adding 687 new stickers to the database

More than 7000 banana stickers ...
-> Posted by Angelo on 14.11.2013 22:34

... in my collection

Fruitsticker.de is looking for ...
-> Posted by Angelo on 13.11.2013 13:11

... trade partners and/or sticker donators, especially from Asia, Australia and Arabic countries ! If interested, please send an email or leave your contact info in the guestbook.

Crossing the 54.000 sticker boundary ...
-> Posted by Angelo on 25.08.2013 19:35

... by adding new stickers to the database

More than 1000 pineapple tags ...
-> Posted by Angelo on 07.07.2013 19:40

... in my collection

More than 7000 apple stickers ...
-> Posted by Nick on 15.05.2013 19:05

... in my collection

More than 4000 mango stickers ...
-> Posted by Nick on 15.05.2013 19:04

... in my collection

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